Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The installation date will be confirmed by your project manager after all the points in their initial confirmation email have been signed off on and the final balance payment is settled. This process should be completed within 24hrs of receiving your confirmation email in order to avoid delays in putting the job in production. Even if you have a pre-booked fit date, this is still a requirement as the factory cannot start fabrication until all the details of the job have been confirmed.
If you believe the confirmation process and balance payment have both been settled and you still have not received a fitting date, please contact your project manager so they can either allocate you a date or clarify on which items remain to be settled.
Timeslots are released the day before the installation takes place by the logistics team, typically via phone call. If you have not been informed of your timeslot by 3pm the day before, please contact the office in order to receive this timeslot.
Once a job is in production the factory produces whatever is on the template sheet, nothing more and nothing less. All wastage is thrown out immediately by automated machines to ensure a streamlined process and allow optimal efficiency in terms of the usage of space on the factory floor. We can add offcut pieces to the template sheet as unpolished pieces, so they aren’t thrown or put away, however they still need to then be cut to a specific size on the shop sheet so the machines can identify and retain the pieces. Overall, adding the offcuts increases fabrication and handling costs, increases the risk factor on jobs and also the flexibility to which we can respond to issues before and after the installation. Adding the pieces to the shop sheet, reconfirming the pieces and sending the amended invoice, and then waiting for the payment to go through, also can slow down the confirmation process. This in terms can greatly increase the lead time on your installation. Taking this into account, adding offcuts can incur significant charges and would not be recommended. It should also be noted that as per our terms and conditions, the customer is only quoted to receive the pieces specified under the worktops and splashbacks section of their order form. The order does not include the ownership of the slabs themselves.
For veined colours and ones with non-uniform patterns such as concrete/industrial style colours, the customer should be made aware that small samples may not be the best representation of the full slab. Additionally, batches of slabs can change gradually over time so a two-year-old sample in a showroom may have a slightly different grain/pattern than the current slabs. We would always recommend giving the customer the chance to view the slabs. Please contact the office and let them know which slabs are of interest, and we can help organise a viewing at the appropriate stone yard so the customer can see the product beforehand.